We create Open Educational Resources for Spatial Data Infrastructures that are modular, published under a permissive CC-BY-SA 4.0 license and can be used both in classroom settings and in self-learning environments. The materials are available from our GitHub repositories and (soon) via the ORCA.nrw and OpenRUB platforms. Videos can be streamed and downloaded individually from TIB-AV.


Our collection of modules is a mix of German and English language materials, depending on our own needs. More modules are under development.

Service Broker Overview
Geospatial Web Services

Interaktives H5-Modul und Videos zum Thema Geospatial Web Services.

Einführung in die Geoinformatik

Sammlung von interaktiven H5P-Modulen zu verschiedenen Grundlagenthemen der Geoinformatik.

Subjekt Prädikat Objekt
Knowledge Graphs

Interaktives H5P-Modul zum Thema Knowledge Graphs, Linked Open Data und Semantic Web.

Wind farm planning map
SDI for Wind Farm Planning

Real-world use case of planning the extension of a wind farm in Northern Germany using Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Objektbasierte Bildanalyse

Sammlung von interaktiven H5P-Modulen zur Einführung in die Fernerkundung.

Metadata Access via OGC CSW

Technical tutorial on how to access and use metadata in an SDI.

AAA Beispiel
Das AAA-Datenmodell

Videobasierte Einführung in das AAA-Datenmodell.

OGC API Features
Data Access via OGC API Features

Tutorial on how to access geospatial data using web services that implement the OGC API Features interface.

RDForms DCAT Editor

Tutorial on the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT).

Internet of Things diagram
Spatial Data Streaming

OER on analyzing IoT air quality data streams using Kafka and Jupyter Notebooks.

Internet of Things diagram
INSPIRE View and Download Services

Tutorial on using the view and download services of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe.


Short course on using Docker to provide and scale GIS applications.

Core Team